J's Postpartum Guide to Taking Care of Mama

Whether you had a vaginal birth or c-section, Mama needs to heal! A healthy mama = a healthy baby! Take time to heal your body and your mind. This is a BIG life change and you just created a human! SO MAJOR!

Date Night:

When baby comes, naturally, everything feels like its all about this tiny human! Remember you created this beautiful being with your partner and you should celebrate that. Try to take time for a date night with your partner to talk about something other than baby! Whether you are going out or just at home, take time to connect with your partner. Mike and I LOVE having a wine night at home and making a big charcuterie board listening to music and just catching up on life. It can be hard to make the time, but it’s always so worth it for us!

Hope these tips can be helpful in your newborn journey. It's such a magical and dreamy time but can also be REALLY hard. Be kind to yourself. If something isn't working for you it's ok to switch things up and remember not to compare yourself to others. Make sure you do what works for you and your family and enjoy every second. It truly goes by way to quickly.

Here are my favorite self care items for mama:

  • The First Forty Days - This book was major for me and is a gift I get most new mamas

  • Dandelion Tea - Super helpful after baby to help with swelling

  • Seaweed Soup - One of my dearest friends made me seaweed soup after I had Hayden, it's super rich in Iron and great to help heal the body!

  • Bath Salts - A great stress relief! My favorites are the G. Nite and the Martini Bath Salts from Goop  

  • Journaling - You just had a baby and you can have all the feelings! Writing things down was been super helpful for me. I use Evernote, because I love a digital moment!

  • Get outside - Fresh air is amazing! Remember to get outside and take a walk. Make a routine to do at least twice a day. Great for Mama and Baby!
